6 December 2020. Coyotes have reached Long Island, expected to fully colonize within the decade. Exciting news!
13 November 2020. Our View: Evidence of wolves in Maine raises management questions: How to handle them has been a contentious issue in other states. Editorial from the Portland Press Herald. It shows how the state of Maine (Wildlife dept.) is essentially ignoring the presence of wolves in this state.
10 November 2020. How coyotes and humans can learn to coexist in cities. This is a good article in The Conversation explaining how to better coexist (and not kill) urban coyotes including practicing aversion techniques (hazing) to make coyotes respect people where they become bold.
8 November 2020. I am so glad to be an ongoing part of this work. We are getting a new administration just at the right time who will actually care for and protect our wildlife heritage rather than cater to special interests. Hang in there wolves. We will continue to find and protect you. Never underestimate the power of a small group of individuals vs government tyranny. Just in case the Facebook link doesn’t work for you, here is the original article describing this work.
6 November 2020. In some fantastic news, Colorado residents approve a measure to force the state to reintroduce wolves to that state.
4 November 2020. Do Coyotes “lure” Dogs? Nope. So let’s dispel at least one myth as a reason for killing them.
30 October 2020. Bad news for wolves: U.S. to Remove Wolves From Protected Species List. I have no doubt that the lawsuits against this will be successful and wolves will be re-protected shortly. The proposal is flawed and not scientifically justifiable.
26 October 2020. Man (in North Carolina) sets up camera in his backyard, “accidentally” records one of America’s rarest animals. Interesting article on a melanistic (aka black) ‘coyote’ (no doubt with wolf and/or dog DNA).
7 October 2020. Coyote Culture. This is a good long article in Provincetown Magazine. From the article:

12 September 2020. Washington becomes seventh U.S. state to outlaw wildlife killing contests. This is encouraging news and incrementally changing wildlife management for the better.
10 September 2020. 70 Conservation Organizations, Representing 16 Million Americans, Endorse Colorado Wolf Restoration. I am pleased to announce that Eastern Coyote/Coywolf Research is one of the organizations that signed on to support this important initiative.
10 September 2020. In Swampscott, $1K reward offered after trap destroys coyote’s jaw. This is a sad story coming from Northeast Mass., but it is nice to see a proactive police department offering the reward. While illegal in Massachusetts, it is astounding that these traps are still legal to use in the majority of the states in the U.S.
7 September 2020. Why we don’t permit coyote hunting – Vermont Family Forests. This is a great article showing the importance of predators on the landscape.
25 July 2020. Man Saves Coyote Pup from Drowning Before Taking It on a 10-Day Rafting Adventure: The unlikely friendship was forged after an outdoorsman rescued the pup while rafting down a river in Saskatchewan, Canada. This is a heartwarming story.
24 July 2020. Eastern Coyote/Coywolf Research is pleased to announce the release of my newest book, The Trip of a Lifetime: A Pictorial Diary of My Journey Out West. Please visit this site to purchase this book, with its 500+ pages and about 1,000 pictures, for just $10, which is the same as going to a movie theater. It has captivating images of many of North America’s most impressive mammals including wolves, coyotes, bison/buffalo, grizzly bears, black bears, elk, moose, and bighorn sheep, among others.
21 July 2020. Michigan coyotes: What’s for dinner depends on what the neighbors are having. This was a fascinating study showing that coyotes become more carnivorous in areas where they are the dominant predator. This makes total sense but is nonetheless important to discover.
19 July 2020. Red Wolves name for Washington could help save the species, scientist says. This is an important article regarding the name change of the Washington Redskins NFL football team.
29 June 2020. Coyotes Suffer a Disproportionate Dose of Cruelty. A most interesting article on how coyotes are treated nationwide.
11 June 2020. Coyotes are here to stay — and that’s ok. A good article about the benefits of coyotes and living with them. I do disagree with the top caption that eastern coyotes are just coyotes. They have a significant amount of wolf in their DNA – about 25% as well as about 10% dog.
18 May 2020. What’s for lunch? How coyotes might change Martha’s Vineyard, an island off the coast of Cape Cod, MA.
17 April 2020. Photos show wildlife roaming freely as humans are on coronavirus lockdown, from ‘bear parties’ in Yosemite to lion naps on South Africa’s streets. This is fascinating and shows how quickly wildlife can respond to not being pressured by people.
8 April 2020. How coyotes made their homes in America’s cities: One park at a time. There is a good 10 min video on coyotes in San Francisco too.
27 March 2020. Canada mourns Takaya – the lone sea wolf whose spirit captured the world: The life – and this week’s sudden death – of the legendary wolf shone a light on the often-strained bond between humans and wild animals. This is an incredibly detailed article about a lone, wild wolf who lived just outside the city of Victoria, British Columbia. It clearly shows the importance of individual wild animals.
11 March 2020. John Harrigan: Wildlife killing contests a shame on all of us. This is a great article written by an outdoor writer and hunter in New Hampshire.
4 March 2020. Telling Coyote Stories. This is a great article from Center for Humans & Nature responding to frequent news reports of aggressive and increasing coyote numbers. It focuses on a recent coyote bite on a 5 year old in Chicago.
15 February 2020. Video of eastern coyotes in Tewksbury, MA during the mating season. Cool trail-cam videos of a mated pair!
13 February 2020. New research from northern Minn. shows wolves feed berries to their young. This is very interesting research as most studies show that wolves eat large ungulates (deer, moose) year-round.
7 February 2020. Did coyote hunters go too far using dogs? Video raises questions about what is legal. This is in Illinois but it is a great illustration of legalizing animal abuse and how state wildlife agencies still allow this despite public objections. “Four men did get cited by the Illinois Department of Natural Resource for this case but the citations were for hunting within 300 yards of a home without the homeowner’s permission and not for using dogs to hunt & kill a coyote.”
5 February 2020. Coyote and badger cross under a road (via a culvert) together. This is a really cool video and shows how intricate nature is!
5 February 2020. Another unbelievable (in a bad way) story of firefighters in Miami, FL rescuing a healthy coyote from the ocean and then Florida Wildlife Officials killing it even though their website says they are important predators. Unreal. Here is a petition to sign to try and hold Florida Fish and Wildlife accountable.
5 February 2020. The senseless treatment of predators in the West. This is a great article showing how disillusioned legislators in the West are. Most people are for coexisting with these magnificent animals and officials are doing their darnedest to have these animals killed. Unbelievable.
24 January 2020. MALIGN: Discovering the Coyote. This is a good 25 min video produced by Coyote Watch Canada showing the importance of coyotes (specifically eastern coyotes) on our landscape.
21 January 2020. Man strangles coyote to death after it attacks his son (in NH). Bizarre story. Most likely the animal had rabies and it is being tested for such.
21 January 2020. Coyote Sighting Caught on Camera in Oak Bluffs. Eastern Coyotes have colonized Martha’s Vineyard (MA), about a 4 mile swim from the mainland. Pretty cool stuff! While exciting, it shouldn’t be too surprising as coastal wolves in British Columbia regularly “island hop” up to 10 km apart.
15 January 2020. In some exciting news, I have just published another book: Way, J. 2020. E-book. Northeastern U.S. National Parks: What Is and What Could Be. Eastern Coyote/Coywolf Research. 244 pages. Please visit my store tab to purchase this e-book. This book makes the case to expand the National Park (NP) System in the Northeast, beyond just having Acadia National Park as its only large “natural” park, by adding 3 units: Cape Cod NP, Kancamagus NP in NH, and Maine Woods NP and Preserve.

8 January 2020. Coyotes are poised to enter South America for the first time. An interesting article showing a rare occurrence: a mammal colonizing a new continent on its own.
7 January 2020. Exciting new talk added to my Events Page:
New for 2020! Northeastern U.S. National Parks: What is and What Could Be – This talk focuses on expanding the National Park (NP) System in the Northeast, beyond just having Acadia National Park as its only large “natural” park, by adding 3 units: Cape Cod NP, Kancamagus NP in NH, and Maine Woods NP and Preserve. These 3 units are already existing federal land and could immediately be added to the NP Service by an Act of Congress. It is significant because all areas are relatively large (~45,000 acres or bigger) which would offer ecosystem level protection not currently enjoyed on most of these federal lands. Demographic trends and the large number of people who spend millions of dollars on wildlife watching clearly support such designations where all resources are ‘protected unimpaired for future generations’. Giving National Park status to these areas would provide an important, higher level of protection to better safeguard these areas especially during politically volatile times. This talk will make a plea to politicians that this is “America’s Best Idea” and is worth accomplishing here in the urbanized Northeast. It is my hope that the pictures, stories, and ideas in this 240 slide, almost 500 picture hour-long talk will inspire bipartisan support and legislation for this idea (click on link for sample letter to politicians).