June 28, 2013. Documents show that state wildlife officials lobbied to limit wolf restoration. What a bunch of filthy people, both state wildlife agencies and the federal government. Any of these agencies that espouse the “North American Model of Wildlife Management” are hypocrites. They say that because they think they are dictators and can do what they want and limit the restoration of certain animals, like wolves, and allow the slaughter of other animals, like coyotes.
Documents show that state wildlife officials lobbied to limit wolf restoration
Please visit my Publications Page for new articles
Please visit my Publications Page to see many new articles that I have written including the reference format for my new book My Yellowstone Experience as well as additional articles. One article is on Loving Wolves and Hating Coyotes. And I have just revised this original article with new text and a better, edited version:
Way, J.G. 2012. Eastern coyote/coywolf life cycle in southeastern Massachusetts and some commonly asked questions. Eastern Coyote Research Publications 4: 1−5. URL: http://easterncoyoteresearch.com/downloads/EasternCoyoteLifeCycle.pdf. This paper answers many questions that I have been asked over the years and does so in a paper that can be referenced. It includes an often asked question: “How many coyotes are there?” I updated the paper June 2013.
Carnivore Conservation Act for MA
March 11, 2013. Support a Carnivore Conservation Act for MA. Read below to learn more. Note: this letter is written by Rebecca Mullin, founder of the Massachusetts Coyote Conservation Alliance who is sponsoring this Act which I helped co-write. It will soon be completed and available for legislative review or for ballot initiative (hopefully in 2014 election cycle).
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Hello members of the MA Coyote Conservation Alliance,
I’m writing to inform you that Jon Way, Eastern Coyote Research and Louise Kane, Justice for Wolves have completed a petition for the first ever state Carnivore Conservation Act. Our MA Carnivore Conservation Act petition includes a draft of the Act’s provisions that will help to protect coyotes, bobcats, red and grey foxes and in some instances, raccoons. The protections range from prohibitions on baiting, reduced hunting seasons, defining and preventing cruelty to carnivores, eliminating hounding, and providing sanctuaries free from hunting.
We are hopeful that this Act may become a model for other state initiatives. The MA Coyote Conservation Alliance will be a sponsor of the initiative and will be seeking input and other signatories for the Act. We are currently researching the procedural requirements for obtaining signatures and for moving forward as a citizen’s initiative.
We believe that a simple website may be valuable to house the petition, to provide background information and to lend legitimacy to the effort. Several of us are willing to do the majority of the work for the website but we could use some minor start up funds. We are seeking donations. Any amount, even several dollars, will help.
Please indicate if you are willing to help by sending your pledge to Rebecca Mullin. Many thanks we know that there are many worthy causes competing for your funding!
If you are able to send a check, please know that MA Coyote Conservation Alliance is not a non-profit organization yet. If you would like to help with our ballot initiative driven carnivore petition and send a check, please write the check out to MA Coyote Conservation Alliance and send it to the following address: Rebecca Mullin, P.O. Box 403, Eastham, MA 02642
We greatly appreciate anything you can spare to help us get this petition kicked off so we can truly protect the carnivores of Massachusetts! Thank you!!!!
Thank you
Jon Way, Louise Kane, Rebecca Mullin
Breaking news: My Yellowstone Experience is getting published spring 2013!
January 30, 2013. Breaking news: I am in the midst of publishing “My Yellowstone Experience”. Please visit the Book Page on my sister website (My Yellowstone Experience) to learn more!
Pick Raul Grijalva for Interior Secretary
The following is an important article about picking Raul Grijalva for Interior Secretary. I admit that I did not like Ken Salazar, a rancher, as the secretary. Our nation deserves Grijalva for protecting our environment. I was one of the signers of the letter mentioned in this article. Bison and wolves and all other animals will fare much better under Grijalva. Read the original letter here which was recently posted on the Wildlife News.
Man in western MA slaughters coywolves for fun (legally)
There are some stories that just hit you right in the gut. This is one of them.
January 11, 2013. Man is proud of slaughtering “coyotes” (coywolves) in western Massachusetts over a bait pile, and he gets away with it with current antiquated laws. That is my title to the article that says “Take the Alpha Pair First”. I hope he finds karma for his disregard for a socially important predator. My disdain for fish and wildlife agencies is amplified when they sit back and allow this to happen yet make it exceedingly difficult to do research on the same animals. It is thoughtless to ignore the social dynamics and effects that this has on local packs. It is literally all about killing. I should add that this man pays $30 for a hunting license and the state of MA gets nothing else back besides the stories that he gets to share of how he slaughters wildlife for fun.
Coyote Hunting Contests
January 6, 2013. “Coyote” hunting contests this winter. What a sport, trying to kill as many of another species as possible. I think most of these are in PA. What a despicable group of people in my opinion that think it is fine to go out and slaughter another species.
Scientists Mourn Popular Yellowstone Wolf Shot by Hunter
Scientists Mourn Popular Yellowstone Wolf Shot by Hunter
This story, from NPR, is about the “06 female” (scientifically known as #832). She recently led her pack (Lamar Canyon) outside of Yellowstone and was killed in the process. This is a very sad story as I (and many others) have gone to Yellowstone National Park many times to specifically see her and her pack. This story has gone national and should force the states to include other stakeholders besides hunters in the management of wolves. It would be nice to see a no-hunt buffer surrounding the park.
Here is a second story on the subject with 8 minutes of interview with the park’s lead wolf biologist, Doug Smith.
Here is another interview, this time with park biologist Dan Stahler on Boston’s NPR.
Love wolves, hate coyotes?
Click below to read a new publication I wrote that just came out!
Way, J. G. 2012. Love wolves and hate coyotes? A conundrum for canid enthusiasts. International Wolf 22(4, winter): 8-11. This is a popular (not peer reviewed) article summarizing my (and others) feelings on why society treats wolves so much differently than coyotes.
Shooting Coyotes From Your House
Last year I published the following article in the Wildlife News, an on-line newspaper website. With my new website, and the post’s links, I wanted to bring attention to this despicable practice once again. It is hunting season nationwide, and people are doing awful things to our wildlife – and they are getting away with it. Enjoy the article on “House hunting coyotes in Massachusetts.”
As I publish this note linking to “The Wildlife News” article, I see a similar mentality with this story from Wyoming:
November 1, 2012. Update Nov. 2. Photos published by Wildlife Service employee illustrate torture. What a low-life. He kills predators for a living and enjoys watching his trapped animals suffer. I hope his employment is terminated immediately. Update Nov. 2.: It gets better, the trapper justifies his actions (click here)… I wouldn’t be surprised if he was friends with some of the “house hunters” that live on Cape Cod, MA and elsewhere. Furthermore, the state wildlife agencies do nothing to stop this behavior which is further reason to reform these agencies from Montana to Massachusetts.