February 2, 2021: Exciting/Breaking news!
In an effort to increase access to more people, I have made my e-book, The Trip of a Lifetime, Open Access which ensures that anyone in the world can read this book for free. All I ask, as explained in the book, is that you donate to my research if you enjoy the read. That will help facilitate the production of more books like this one. Enjoy!
Download your free book here and you’ll have access to nearly 1,000 pictures in an organized volume.
This 550+ page book is the result of a dream 3.5 week trip I took out west during summer 2019. I visited dozens of parks, protected areas, and national forests/grasslands to produce this pictorial journey, including 995 images, which describes my adventure in a unique, very visual way. It is intended to be an easy, relatively quick read given the number of pictures of our great country and some of its best natural features. This book is unique in the annals of adventure books and western national park reads in that I provide a journalistic flair to the text and offer insights into my observations, yet provide abundant, maybe even overwhelming, visual documentation. The importance of our national parks is clearly evident to make this book possible, especially the pictures. The case is made to expand the existing national park system to include more large natural areas throughout the country that ‘preserve resources unimpaired for future generations’ so additional people can have similar experiences to the ones that I had.
Citation: Way, J.G. 2020. E-book (Revised, 2021). The Trip of a Lifetime: A Pictorial Diary of My Journey Out West. Eastern Coyote/Coywolf Research, Barnstable, MA. 561 pages. Open Access URL: http://www.easterncoyoteresearch.com/thetripofalifetime/.
Most recent update of book: February 5, 2021.
Note: Because this is a longer book there is a way in Adobe Acrobat to resume where you left off (i.e., at the last page you read). In Adobe Reader, go to “Edit” and at the bottom click on “Preferences” (or simply hit “Ctrl + K” buttons). From there, click on “Documents” at the top left of the menu and then “check the box” at the top of that screen for ‘Restore last viewed settings when reopening documents’. Once you click that, scroll down and click “OK”. PDFs will now open where you left off instead of at the beginning. This is not a default setting so you manually have to do it, unfortunately.
Sample passage from text:
“It was hard to describe the mixed feelings I had as I left Rocky Mountain National Park. I utterly exhausted myself over the past 3 weeks and saw more of nature than most people see in their lifetime. I walked among the badlands, cavorted through prairie grasses and prairie dog towns, trekked up mountain peaks, drove in some of the most desolate places in the United States, was treed by a wild bison, and saw some of the world’s top predators up close. I knew that being back home in a much tamer area would be a major buzz kill, and I wouldn’t fully feel alive again until I returned back out west.”
Downloading/Donating info:
To receive a copy of this e-book as a color PDF, download your free book here. However, to support my work please consider donating $10 or more for this privilege, which will allow me to continue making Open Access documents. If you feel uncomfortable donating online, then please email me (Jon) at easterncoyoteresearch@yahoo.com and I can provide you with a postal address. You can also send money for free (no fees on either end) in PayPal by going to Tools then Send Money and send it from bank account to bank acct (rather than credit card) using my email address (easterncoyoteresearch@yahoo.com). This will eliminate the PayPal fees which is about 4% of a transaction. Thank you in advance for your kindness.