I am pleased to announce my collection of Yellowstone-related books in one place (click here)! There are currently 6 Yellowstone books and a related book on creating more national parks in the Northeast U.S.
My newest book is:
A Yellowstone Summer with the Junction Butte Wolf Pack. This e-book details, in 510 pictures, the life and times of a famous wolf pack followed during the summer by adoring fans.

Summer is the time of year for tourists, heat, and bison jams. For locals and visitors alike, it is an exhausting period because these three ingredients create a considerable amount of traffic and uncomfortable, irritable people on hot, relentless sunny days. However, nature and wildlife thrive in Yellowstone despite the mass of humanity in the world’s first national park during the busy summer months. My two week trip from July 21 to August 3, 2021 was no exception, and was highlighted by seeing the Junction Butte Wolf Pack on all 14 days. Yellowstone is quite literally the only place in the world where this is possible.
The ‘Junctions’ regularly hunted in Lamar Valley and Little America. These two places are open, grassland-dominated valleys where wildlife, especially bison, abounds. Wolves are often seen in these areas. This pack was one of the largest on record, numbering 34-35 individuals during my Christmas in Yellowstone trip. During my summer 2021 trip, they were down to around 20 adults and yearlings, plus the new pups of the year. Wolves mostly travel in small groups during the summer so getting whole pack counts can be difficult. In this book, I provide detailed notes and pictures on what I saw during each observation session with the wolves. I also provide images of other wildlife observed during my two weeks in Yellowstone. Lastly, I conclude the book by documenting the tragedy that the Junction pack experienced in winter 2021-22.
For more, including to download it, please visit the book’s link:
Way, J.G. 2022. A Yellowstone Summer with the Junction Butte Wolf Pack. Eastern Coyote/Coywolf Research, Barnstable, Massachusetts. 481 pages. E-book. Open Access URL: http://www.easterncoyoteresearch.com/YellowstoneSummerWithJunctionButteWolfPack.
About Jonathan Way
Jonathan (Jon) Way has a B.S. (UMass Amherst), M.S. (UConn Storrs), and doctorate (Boston College) related to the study of eastern coyotes/coywolves. He is the author of the following books: 1) Suburban Howls, an account of his experiences studying eastern coyotes in Massachusetts; 2) My Yellowstone Experience, which details - in full color - the spectacular wildlife, scenery, and hydrothermal features that can be found in the world's first national park; 3) Northeastern U.S. National Parks: What Is and What Could Be makes the case to expand the National Park System in the Northeast by adding 3 new national parks that are 44,000 acres or bigger; 4) The Trip of a Lifetime: A Pictorial Diary of My Journey Out West consists of 560 pages and nearly 1,000 pictures of a 3.5 week trip out west in 2019, showcasing most of the large mammals found in North America; 5) Coywolf: Eastern Coyote Genetics, Ecology, Management, and Politics is a 280 page pictorial treatise of his over 20 years studying this creature; 6) Christmas in Yellowstone is a 200+ page, 259 picture book based on his 9 day trip to the park during the 2020 holiday season; 7) Mud, I mean April, in Yellowstone, which is a 330 page, 430 picture look at the park during the mud season when nature transitions from winter to spring; 8) Yellowstone Wildlife during Summer, which was a major project showing over 650 pictures of the park's amazing wildlife in over a decade of summers spent in the park; 9) A Yellowstone Summer with the Junction Butte Wolf Pack, which details, in 510 pictures, the life and times of a famous wolf pack followed during the summer by adoring fans; 10) Yellowstone in Winter: The Recovering Wolves of the Northern Range, which details, in over 450 pictures, the wildlife of Yellowstone, particular wolves and their prey, during the depths of winter; 11) Backpacking the Iconic Pemigewasset Wilderness, which describes my 3 day, 35 mile journey into the heart of the White Mountains, New Hampshire; 12) A Beary Special April in Yellowstone, which details his week and a half long encounter with a wild grizzly bear; and 13) Late Summer in Yellowstone. Jon founded and runs his organization, Eastern Coyote/Coywolf Research, where his goal is to conduct long-term ecological and behavioral research on eastern coyotes. He also supplements his research with regular trips to Yellowstone National Park and other national parks.