2024 News Updates

November 24, 2024. Officer kills pet dog mistaken for a coyote in Massachusetts town. The owner says it was unnecessary. In my view, it is outrageous that an “experienced ACO officer” made this mistake. Even if it was a ‘coyote’ (eastern coyote, aka coywolf), I am certain that non-lethal deterrence strategies would have worked.


October 30, 2024. After-Dinner Research on the Outer Cape’s 81 Coywolves: Scat reveals they eschew shorebirds, hunt deer, and also eat our garbage and pet food.  This is an interesting article.


September 8, 2024. The right to snowmobile over wildlife could soon be explicitly protected in Wyoming. You read that right: A task force on wildlife/predator management in Wyoming, after hearing from thousands of people outraged over Wyoming (and other western states) allowing the use of snowmobiles to run over wildlife is planning on continuing to allow it, only putting in provisions that someone has to try and kill (rather than torture) the animal(s) they are targeting. If there was ever a low bar to try and clear, this would be it. Very sad. I love how the article calls this tortuous activity a “recreational pursuit”.


Late Summer in Yellowstone8/2/24: Available as a free e-book. This e-book describes the scenery and wildlife at the end of the summer.

Late summer is generally a challenging time to be in Yellowstone due to the sheer number of people and, often, ongoing road construction projects taking place in various parts of the park. But August, like all other months in the park, is a good time to see wildlife. While our trip started out a little slow on that front, it ended with a bang – specifically, a bison carcass that drew in many wolves and grizzly bears. While many species are preparing for the cold, other large mammals go about their day as they always have. The numerous people in the park are just one more inconvenience in their demanding lives.

This book depicts late summer in the world’s first national park. The scenery is in transition from the greens of summer to the browns of fall. Backcountry hikes are very popular during this time of year with less water on the trails and it’s generally a drier period to enjoy the park’s many beautiful landscapes. Accordingly, we took many treks during our time in the park. We also had great wildlife sightings, particularly at the end of the trip. I stayed so busy for all 9 days of our stay that there are many storylines – as you’ll read about – that played out during my time there.

Citation: Way, J.G. 2024. Late Summer in Yellowstone National Park. Eastern Coyote/Coywolf Research, Barnstable, Massachusetts. 583 pages. E-book. Open Access URL: http://www.easterncoyoteresearch.com/LateSummerInYellowstone.


July 27, 2024 interview: Nature Nuggets: Episode 15 ~ Coywolves! With Jon Way of Eastern Coyote Research. Check it out. This is from a station based in Hudson Valley, NY.


April 30, 2024. Persecution, torture and senseless death: the grim reality of being a wild carnivore in the US. This is a fantastic article of the current (biased) state of wildlife management, especially as it relates to predators, in the United States. Well done Dr. Fran Santiago-Ávila of Project Coyote.


April 20, 2024. Man tortures a wolf in Wyoming and gets a measly $250 fine. I am so glad this has generated world-wide outcry, as many of us have known that snowmobile “whacking” has been legal for years in WY and ID. What a disgrace. Here are another two articles on the topic: Wyoming Office Of Tourism Stops Wildlife Ads In Wake Of Wolf Abuse Scandal. And: We should outlaw killing for fun.


April 3, 2024. New Bill Introduced to Protect Wolves in New York – – The Adirondack Almanack. Interesting legislation designed to hold New York officials accountable for canid populations in that state.


February 4, 2024: A Beary Special April in Yellowstone. Available as a free e-book. This e-book describes my 9 day trip to Yellowstone where I saw and photographed a specific grizzly bear hundreds of times on the Blacktail Plateau.

For more, including to download it, please visit the book’s link:

Way, J.G. 2024. A Beary Special April in Yellowstone. Eastern Coyote/Coywolf Research, Barnstable, Massachusetts. 596 pages. E-book. Open Access URL: http://www.easterncoyoteresearch.com/BearySpecialAprilinYellowstone.

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