2025 News Updates

March 6, 2025. Will Wolves Recolonize the Northeast? A good article by John Glowa of the Maine Wolf Coalition.

February 28, 2025. I am excited to share my latest e-book on my trip to California last summer:

Way, J.G. 2025. California National Parks: Yosemite, Kings Canyon, Sequoia, and Pinnacles. Eastern Coyote/Coywolf Research, Barnstable, Massachusetts. 638 pages. E-book. Open Access URL: http://www.easterncoyoteresearch.com/CaliforniaNationalParks.

February 17, 2025. Our Coyotes a Mixed Breed. By Kevin McKeon, Maine Master Naturalist.

February 6, 2025. San Francisco’s coyotes are going after an unexpected source of prey, new study shows. A very interesting and detailed article about these urban carnivores.

January 18, 2025. Here is my latest book review which is on Rick McIntyre’s awesome new book:

Way, J. 2024. Book Review – Thinking Like a Wolf: Lessons From the Yellowstone Packs, by Rick McIntyre. Canadian Field-Naturalist 138: 82-83. Note: This is the fifth book of McIntyre’s Yellowstone Wolves book series.

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