2/28/25. In an effort to increase access, I have made my latest e-book, California National Parks, Open Access which ensures that anyone in the world can read this book for free. All I ask, as explained in the book, is that you donate to my research (see bottom of this page) if you enjoyed the read. That will help facilitate the production of more books like this one. Enjoy!
This book depicts my California adventure to popular national parks, including Yosemite, Kings Canyon, Sequoia, and Pinnacles. This was a trip defined by scenery and trees, with wildlife sprinkled in. However, some of the wildlife was unique, as you will read. This tome depicts hundreds of images from this unique part of the country.
To increase access for all people, rich or poor, majority or minority, I am offering this e-book for free to anyone in the world who wants to read it. I share with you, the reader, my experience exploring the national parks in central California as well as some other areas in a photographic journey intended to awe the reader. If you enjoy it, all I ask in return is that you pay it forward by sharing and please consider a donation of $10.00 to support my research and education efforts, as well as supporting the book’s Open Access format. That is about the price of one movie ticket, and you get to own this book, and all of its pictures, forever. If you do not want to donate from my website, you are welcome to email me and I will gladly provide you with a physical postal address: jon@easterncoyoteresearch.com or easterncoyoteresearch@yahoo.com.
Citation: Way, J.G. 2025. California National Parks: Yosemite, Kings Canyon, Sequoia, and Pinnacles. Eastern Coyote/Coywolf Research, Barnstable, Massachusetts. 638 pages. E-book. Open Access URL: http://www.easterncoyoteresearch.com/CaliforniaNationalParks.
Most recent update of book: Coming soon. Note: Because this is a longer book there is a way in Adobe Acrobat to resume where you left off (i.e., at the last page you read). In Adobe Reader, go to “Edit” and at the bottom click on “Preferences” (or simply hit “Ctrl + K” buttons). From there, click on “Documents” at the top left of the menu and then “check the box” at the top of that screen for ‘Restore last viewed settings when reopening documents’. Once you click that, scroll down and click “OK”. PDFs will now open where you left off instead of at the beginning. This is not a default setting so you manually have to do it, unfortunately.